Monday, November 30, 2009

Claude responds to: Situation Awareness and How it Affects You

Claude sent me a reply this a.m. to the incidents Debbie and T-Bone (Previous Post) had and generally asked as to how many John Q. Dumbasses spent the night in the hoosegow or face up on a cold slab because of their brains bein vacuum packed for freshness......but their mouth motor was still able to run on its own. And it reminded me.....
When I was still married years ago, and my kids were very young I had a brother in law who is a great person but an even bigger smartass than I and that takes some doin folks. He was young and bulletproof as most of us usually are and was out at a club in South Houston. On his way home or wherever he shot down Edgebrook to the Whataburger or Burger King at the Gulf Freeway and went in to get some clubbers haute cuisine. Fast food.

As he stood in line, a punk came in with what he described as an Uzi or Mac-10 sub machine gun and came to the counter. Being the perennial smartass he turned to the bad guy and asked ,"Is that thing real?" (knowing him the entire family knew he asked in his best smartass fashion and tone) to which the bad guy replied by placing it against his chest and BANG!,pulling the trigger. We got the call from Ben Taub and rushed there....long story short

He got the million dollar wound. Close contact range, full metal jacket bullet, high speed projectile passing through the lung without striking bone on the way in and on the way out. As we call it a through and through. He lived and to this day as my kids say he's still a smartass.





Saturday, November 28, 2009

Situation Awareness and How it Affects You

Paw Paw Davis or T-Bone as I have called him has been my best friend for 20+ years.  He has known me as an instructor the entire time but I never pushed him into nor did he ever show interest in having me train him until about two years ago when he took my CHL course Sua Sponte or of his own accord. Interestingly, he took it with the woman I’m about to tel y’all about in second.

T-Bone had an interesting encounter the other day. He and I share a house since his wife passed away couple years back and my engagement to my last lady friend also met its demise. Bein best friends we share expenses and whiskey, never run out of bullshit to talk, and just makes sense cause neither of us is rich or presently connected to a relationship other than short term. The whole “why haven’t you called? Where are you? Trip  helps keep that crap at a distance and we each got a dog so……..hey who need the aggravation? Anywho..he has taken to his training very responsibly and since he lives in the same house as his instructor, he gets the added benefit of havin me there to ask and gather from….”

T-Bone and I have over the years ended many a bar fight some of which have reached legendary status (trust me the stories are always better the way he tells them) but we have never started any and he has never seen or heard me threaten to use my weapon. Until Thursday his personal experience had never put him in condition Orange or “get ready cause it looks like this is gonna get nasty real quicklike…..” He had slipped down to The House of Pies on Kirby in Houston to get a pie for my birthday and one to take to his sisters for the Turkey Day family dinner he was going to. Time frame is 07:00 am to 8:00 am and of course there was a line out the door and down the walk. As he tells it a lady in line commented to people that “there’s a cash line…” and people bailed to go get in it. Upon finding out that no such line existed people returned and most went to the back of the line except for the gentleman who had been in front of T-Bone. He slipped back in line in front of T-Bone who asked “what are you doin?” the fella replied “this is my spot” to which T-Bone replied “Nah , you got outa line and lost your place.” The gentleman made a short reply and basically asked what he was gonna do about it when behind him T-Bone heard John Q Dumbass chime in to the effect “Yeah! What are you gonna do about it….cause I won’t mind spending the night in jail.”  J.Q Dumbass was in line with girlfriend whom T-Bone says wasn’t looking of like mind as her dumbass male companion and was mortified. Point here is the guy said it loud enough and with clear enough intent and inference to alert T-Bone that he was serious. Up went the flag in his mind and the accompanying physiological responses. What I am extremely proud of in regards to how T-Bone took his training and responsibility as a CHL holder carrying his weapon at the time was how his reply to J.Q. Dumbass was fantastically “ You won’t spend the night in jail, You’ll spend it in the hospital….” And he turned around as Dumbass deflated and backed down with no further “Gore” gas exiting his pie hole. All the while T-Bone is keeping an eye on him in the reflection in the window of the establishment, real good tactic and one all should use. He got the pies, came home gave me mine with a “happy Birthday” and recounted the story and how much it affected him Paramount in T-Bones after action assessment of his own actions is just how incredibly stupid “Dumbass” was about something that was none of his business and how the adrenalin rush had kicked in because he knew the guy wasn’t foolin. Over a place in line for a pie.

Today, two days later T. is still amazed at the guys stupidity and how the release of the adrenalin from his system (and I’m sure the carbs from the feast) put him in a lethargic fog all day yesterday. Adrenalin dump does that. I have told him over and over that he did the exactly correct thing and responded in the exactly appropriate manner. and I am proud of him for taking his training and using it and trusting it to get him safely out of what could have easily been real badddddddd. He will replay it over and over again for quite some time. That is part of the process. Eventually the realization will come to him that he was correct in being both scared and in a heightened state of alert/readiness. You see it takes a while to let your conscience accept that in that type of incident you don’t solicit the assault, “Dumbass” just jumps in and presents an assault. You are forced to deal with it and T-Bone did it just right or by the book. Non Violent conflict resolution.

Debbie is my best trainee proficient, intelligent, open minded and conscientious about her situational awareness (most times, she’ll know why I said that). She came to training because no matter what anyone in her family had told her she had an “incident” in the parking lot of a mall/retail place.  She knew in her gut that she was targeted and being stalked by a predator. I always tell y’all “go with your gut”… if deep down inside something tells you that something just ain’t right……IT ISN’T! ! !  She was lucky enough to gain entry to her vehicle (which is a 2500 lb. weapon if needed) and unass herself from what could have been baddddddddddd. She has professed to me both before and after training and licensing that she didn’t like guns, didn’t like handguns, and had no use for guns……. Until then.   She went from the ground up. Chose her own weapon and method of carry and aced the course. She takes instruction as well as anyone I’ve trained and better than some so much so that I’ve recommended that she become an instructor herself. She’s comfortable with right where she is for now so kudos to her.

T-Bone and Debbie were both  LUCKY……cause it coulda been a lot worse. They are both very intelligent and went with their gut feelings and maintained their cool long enough to get away from what could have been a deadly encounter and   as I say “GO WITH YOUR GUT”. They did.


………YOUR INSTRUCTOR          Eddie

Friday, November 27, 2009

Big Thanks to a Student and Friend

Hi Y’all, Your Instructor here,

One of my trainees surprised me on my birthday with a wonderful gift. A web site where these update info sessions are being posted. Bookmark: as my ver yown web site.  Bill Robertson is a good friend and a genius at setting up web sites and marketing. His company is check out his work and I may have him contact my trainees if I screwed something up with my plentiful “computer skills” In his world this Instructor becomes da “instructee”. Thanks to Bill and his lovely wife Barbara. I’ll have pictures up on it in the very near future and you can subscribe to my blog so you don't miss anything. Email me specific gun stuff to my new email address at:   Google Bill and toss some work at him he’s a good guy but…… don’t try to sneak up on him he’s well trained!


Lower price alternatives in a high priced field of dreams

 Hi Y'all,

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving.  This update has no question. It does in a way carry on the theme of the last question.

Firearms and handguns particularly are not cheap. Oh I guess as compared with cars or flat panel TV's, or country club memberships, their not so bad, but they can be very expensive, and that's not even considering collecting and that marketplace. Fine firearms at Sotheby's and Christies Auction houses regularly sell from the tens of thousands to the millions, and those weapons are never fired. If you had the coin and the willingness to deal with the BATFE you could pay the tax stamp and buy a fully automatic machine gun. The wait for permission and the actual transfer if allowed takes months and the cost of let's say a fully automatic M-16 rifle is about $5000.00 and a Browning M2 .50 Caliber machine gun will run at least $15 to 20,000. That is serious jack and they are investments that don't lose value. But who has that kind of coin layin round? Not me. That's for sure. As CHL holders and normal people with normal jobs and lifestyles it's sometimes hard to put money aside even for self defense needs which are usually down the list of priorities. That is incredibly wrong folks ! ! ! In this day and in this world, if you don't have anything to defend yourself with and that one incident happens everything else changes in the "BLINK of an eye" and it changes forever. "Killin a man takes away all he's got and all he's ever gonna be..." Paraphrased but true. How much is your life worth? Your husband, wife, children, grandchildren and their lives? I can suggest some lower cost alternatives. Let's take a look. If you take heed and get your self/families self defense needs taken care of you will stand a good chance of keepin what you have inanimate or human when the door gets kicked in or you're attacked in the parking lot or your own driveway.

Revolvers:  Smith & Wesson has a police trade in program. They take police revolvers back from Departments and officers who upgrade and rebuild/refurbish them and wholesale them at a fraction of original cost. I see them all the time at gun shows although they appear at different times due to upgrade fiscal year policies. They are outstanding values. I usually see .38 special and .357 magnum models running from $230. to $300.00.
Rossi makes fine revolvers available at stores like Academy running $199. to $300. brand new, Taurus has some also. You can also find great deals at pawn shops and gun show tables used sections, and you can bargain with those folks. Don't overlook Ruger single action/cowboy type guns the Blackhawks run around $300. on used tables as do their double actions in older varieties.
E.A.A. has revolvers in the $250. range. all are good guns I have seen and handled

Semi Automatic Handguns: Price leader new is Hi Point from .380 to .45 ACP most under $200.00. Some "experts" and retailers will tell you they're  cheap, and they're right. That is cheap folks. Not pretty but they go bang. I know this for a fact. Seen em and handled em. I see Ruger and Taurus 9 mm handguns in pawn shops and at gun show tables used at around $239.00 to just under $300.00 great guns great buys. EAA has a witness line that new runs about $350 to $450. Once again you can find Police trade ins from Smith & Wesson running just under $300. to $400. depending on model if you shop at the gun shows. Glock and Sig Sauer both have the same programs but are slightly higher yet still far below new price. FN and FEG both have high quality Hi Power (Browning 9mm) spin offs that are fantastic buys.

The first rule of a gunfight is ...."Have a gun". You will have more success if you shop around. Trust me. By the way. The Police trade ins all come with full factory warranties and most semi autos have some frills like Nite Sites a must have. These are all weapons I have handled and fired and would feel perfectly safe defending myself with, and when you just gotta have that fancy 1911 from Baer..... trade it in or pass it down and knock yourself (and your checkbook) out! Me..... I don't need a thousand dollar gun. All these I recommend are under $500.00 sooooooooo...How much IS your life worth? your wife? your kids? your grandkids?

Ask me about any weapon you are curious about. Truthfully I've seen damned about all of them and handled and fired most.

Thanks y'all.                         Your Instructor......EDDIE

A HUGE P.S.: Academy is running a Taurus PT 101 ( I think that's the model) in .40 S&W for $299.00. Taurus firearms are usually outstanding values anyway but this is an exceptional one. This weapon is what I consider to be a product improved Beretta model 92/M9 Taurus firearms come with a lifetime guarantee and are top quality. I have handled and fired several and they are very accurate and well made. They come with two magazines (I believe 14 rounds) adjustable 3 dot sights and trigger locks. They have a hammer drop safety as well as the ability to carry in what is known as "cocked and locked or condition 1. That is where you have a round in chamber, hammer cocked and safety in on safe hence cocked and locked.

Hey, if you want a quality weapon this a hell of a deal. It is a full size service type weapon but I carried its Beretta counterpart for years and had very little difficulty concealing it. It would be a great Christmas present.           Eddie

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Second Amendment, Associations and Gun Laws

Dear Folks,

I have been asked many good and intelligent questions by you as my Trainees, and I truly appreciate them. I have been asked to comment on subjects like of course, politics and political associations that would affect us. I have been asked about the current president and his administration. I have been asked about The Second Amendment to The United States Constitution.
As a firearms Instructor and owner I, as you am affected by all of the above. I’m gonna  pass on Obama because anyone who knows me knows how I feel about that particular can of worms opened on the last election day.

1. The Second Amendment:  I am not a Constitutional scholar. I don’t even know any. That said, I do   NOT  believe that it guarantees ME  the right to anything.  I have read and re read it over and over again and after listening to Justice Sotamayor and her colleagues during their discourses on application of the Second Amendment during the Heller case, I realize that that right as seen or imagined is in real jeopardy. I know I over simplify but if twelve politically appointed judges decide what are and are not rights then what is a “RIGHT” other than a turn you make?  The so called Constitutional Guarantees are not guaranteed at all when twelve people you probably never have nor ever will meet decide “the law” and for the hell of it, look up the word  “right” definition #10. Don’t be naïve. Fear the government that fears you.

2. Associations: The NRA. I am currently a member. I am not always a member because I don’t always agree with them and how they treat people that don’t agree with their rather hard line. They do some good work. I was taken aback when I took a tour of their HQ some years back and saw what I consider to be gross opulence by way of artwork, furnishings, structures and how the whole tour was very propagandized and  constantly filled with suggestions of donations for this and that. Let me tell you, the doors in that place were some of the most beautiful pieces of solid American hardwoods I’ve ever seen and proudly stated by the tour guide as “ costing anywhere from $5000.00 to $17,500.00 per door. The NRA sends out more junk mail and requests for money than AARP or those Life Insurance companies. Considering the place I can see why and where those donations go for the most part.

3. The Texas State Rifle Association is the only one I stay in membership with. It is in Austin all the time on the hill taking care of us as citizens and gun owners in Texas. They do very good work. They have been responsible for major legislation that directly affects us from the CHL law to Castle Doctrine to Traveling definitions, to laws that affect the safety of law enforcement. I suggest you join and it is the only one I suggest you join.  I have the membership brochures if you want one. Let me know.
THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY has a new gun law that just took effect. In the Heller Decision the Supreme court said states could institute “reasonable” gun laws even after asserting that the Second  Amendment is an individual right……. So in a nutshell New Jersey has instituted a new restriction law that is either that you can only buy one gun a month (or I could be wrong;  one gun a week) which includes  GUN STORES AND RETAILERS ! ! ! NO BULLS**T. I believe that at present it is only a provision for handgun purchases but even so….what retailer of any product could survive buying only one piece of merchandise per week or month? Doesn’t take a genius to see that Jersey wants gun dealers out of business, and now they’ve instituted a legal way to do it.

Anyway there you have it for what it’s worth. Ya want to discuss politics or religion come on by and sip a little whiskey and we’ll do it but then again as Claude and T-Bone always say “ Don’t get me started….About the Space Station” …….

Your Instructor EDDIE

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving, a question and why I love my kids...

To all my trainees and friends........HAPPY THANKSGIVING ! ! !....
Don't fergit ta take off yer PEESTOHLAH befer ya loose up dat belt. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy......

Why do I love my Kids? Too many reasons.....but here's a small one......
My son and I were chattin last nite and of course he receives these updates as I've been training him since he was eight? years old. And like his sister he is a pretty sharp individual and overall good guy in my humble opinion. He was tellin me bout my "computer skills" such as "Dad. You need to use your Spell Checker before you send these out. To which I replied I do son...his retort...well then you need to proof read before you hit send....." Great point, and point well taken.  Moi?...MOI? Yeah me. I harkened back to the question about my "computer skills DUDE" email. But who said old dogs can't learn new tricks? Well I certainly am "an old dog". And I sorta think I'm loinin a new trick just gettin this machine turned on but bottom line is he's right and I will do better. Thanks son ! I apologize to y'all for not bein more astute about my publishing ability and appreciate your patience. I may not like criticism but I welcome it and learn from it so keep it comin. It's very helpful.

The question was slightly technical actually two questions about weapons so I'll try to follow the K.I.S.S. principle.

"I TOOK YOUR ADVICE AND WENT BY A LOCAL RETAILER  (WHO'LL REMAIN NAMELESS) .  I wanted to look at a 45 Automatic and an M-16. The folks were very friendly and showed me more guns than I can remember the names of and models with all kinds of letters and titles like TRP, SUB COMPACT, 1911 PLATFORM, and a myriad of others. The same was true when I went to look at M-16s  which I was told are AR 15s or ARs. I had to leave because of information overload and the sales people at the different counters kept  telling me I need this or I need that and then My God ! the prices were outrageous. What is the difference between all those 45s and  AR-15s, why is it called AR-15 and not M-16, and are there any of them or their type that I can get for less than a starting price of $800. to $3000. dollars. Help? Oh and why is ammunition for these guns so expensive and hard to get?"

Wow. Another great and very pertinent question. Thank you. I totally empathize. Let me try and give it a shot. The 1911A1 platform/ Automatic Pistol is NOT an automatic pistol it is a semi automatic pistol chambered for the .45 ACP or its   "guvamint name" .45 Automatic Colt Pistol cartridge (ACP). The original John Browning patent drawing was in the .38 Super or Super 38 Colt cartridge. Now. Real deal "J."?  A 1911 is a 1911 is a 1911....... An AR is an AR, is an AR, is an AR..........blah blah blah. The only differences are manufacturers names and cosmetics/accessories and of course price. They sure are proud of the damn things. "I need this or I need that"  bulls**t! ! ! all you need is a holster and ammo and belt. These things are like cars. A Honda is an Infinity and a Toyota is a Lexus etc etc so you pay for looks and name but the parts are all the same under the hood.
There are cheap alternatives or shall I say cheaper ones. Taurus makes a great 1911 for around $600. as does Para Ordnance and Springfield Armory has their US model? all basic pistols with some good upgrades. Charles Daly has some very low cost well made pistols and shot-guns. Now salesmen are just that salesmen . They will tell you that this pistol is made here or there and this is a custom this....yeah I know. There is only one manufacturer of truly custom pistols every part made in house and if you look at Les Baer pistols (1911s) the prices start at $1400.+ and their sights are Novak or others. all the other manufacturers outsource their frames, slides and get parts from various vendors. Springfield gets most of their parts from Brazil where they are owned so don't fall into that trap of this custom gun or their "custom shop" ya ya ya.... a 1911 is a 1911 is a 1911....... The same is exactly true of AR-15s which are the semi-automatic counterpart to the M-16. About ARs....don't let anyone tell you you can put one together from parts. You can assemble one but gettin it to function all the time and every time is an entirely different proposition. If you haven't put one together as a professional armorer/gunsmith, a book and how to video will be of absolutely no help. If you buy one great get it at a gun show and I suggest you get the bare bones version and learn how to  use it before you mess with gettin "all Barbie Doll" with it and dressin it up in everything but common sense accessories like a sling and spare magazines. Alternatives to ARs are the Ruger Mini 14 Ranch rifle, SKS carbine/rifles, lever action rifles from Mossberg and Henry and  Winchester in 30-30 all of which are cheaper and in the case of lever actions and the Mini 14 you can find some real deals in the Pawn shops used gun racks at retailers and gun shows. The Mini 14 uses the M-16/AR15 cartridge and the SKS cartridge and in the Ranch rifle with wood stocks sell cheap cause they don't look "high speed". They are totally reliable and accurate same goes for SKSs and lever rifles.

The ammo problem is directly related to both the panic buying caused by Obamas election and the wars we are fighting. Prices are high and they ain't gonna get no lower no time soon. The calibers (.45 ACP and .223 or 5.56) are used in all the theaters and the military get theirs first, as should be.

I hope that covers it and have a Happy Thanksgiving all of you..  ...... Your Instructor    Eddie

P.S. Hey Sean how's this one? I proof read and used Spell Checc.....OOPS

Saturday, November 21, 2009

A very good question cause it "tis the season to be cautious"

Hi y'all,

 I finished my Christmas shopping on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Since I try to practice what I teach, I was extra observant of others. I tend to be a people watcher whether or not my situational awareness is heightened via holidays or whatever. Following my normal shopping (holiday or not), I parked in a more open area of the WalMart (Humble,TX.) lot. Any woman that has ever been around me knows that I'd rather take an ass whoopin' by a liberal democrat at a gay rights rally than shop. Yes I know that the ones who really know me would say "yeah but you can spend 2 hours at Kroger's" and they'd be right... ... hey what can I say? That aside I do have Christmas presents to buy for 2 granddaughters and my son, daughter and select friends. So I just suck it up and try to get it done as early as possible.

In store: I was amazed at how many purses left unattended and little children also. Amazed! I was also as amazed that more people didn't shield the credit card terminal swipe thingy from view and how loudly they gave out their phone numbers. These are very simple things to do folks. At the terminal just turn your body to block the view and when you process the transaction make sure you hit the CLEAR button. If you are required to give a phone number do it by writing it down on a post it or something and hand it to the clerk to record and TAKE IT BACK.

In the parking lot: Not one person made eye contact with me. Always make eye contact. I park far away so that if a turd is setting me up he's gonna have to follow me for a ways and with my head on a swivel scan, I have a real high probability of spotting a predators and his crew. I was once again, amazed that women were simply bent over the trunks or head in the doorways of their vehicles, men too but mostly I saw ladies as it was mid week morning. Now here's what I do all the time at either a retailer or Kroger. I approach my vehicle as far out in the traffic lane as safely possible and put my cart at the rear right quarter panel. I look around and open my passenger door all the way. I grab a bag put it inside while looking over and around, grab another and repeat same thing till loaded. I never put my head inside my vehicle until I get in it to drive off. I saw people walking out with bags in both hands and no keys out. Think here. Both hands full and no improvised weapon to defend self with? Remember what I say? "If you look like a victim you will be a victim. Remember the turds are ALWAYS looking for victims. ALWAYS.
These simple techniques take no skill and are not "high speed tactics" just common sense.

Bill asked this excellent question considering the season, and it's useful all the time as a trained CHL holder.

Question: If you're out at dinner or shopping (armed with your CHL, weapon and spare magazine as always) and you see an assault or robbery in progress in the parking lot... ... What would you do? what would you recommend your students do? I'll split the answer ito two pieces.

Answer: I would react immediately without regard to the gender of the victim or the assailant (s).

Answer part 2:  I'll split this because my tactics should apply to all of my trainees as well as to their Instructor.
React immediately. I would approach the assault and assailants from an angle or loop around it since this would allow me to observe and note all the factors, and help me slow down the fear adrenalin rush because you will be scared. Second as I react I will dial 911 and leave the line open. I will give as slowly as I can a description of the incident the, the victim, assailant myself and my weapon, and injuries if visible. The approach from an angle will help you see innocent bystanders and things like cover but most paramount of considerations other than the attack ... it might help me spot the perpetrators other predators  cause wolves travel in packs.
  Do not shout warnings other than STOP !....Remember Joe Horn any body? Why do we shoot? We shoot to STOP the attack.
Approach do not charge and if you don't have to engage the bad guy (s) don't run in there with a drawn weapon if the cavalry is on scene. You might get kinda shot real accidental like. Richard Pryor said it best...."I ain't gonna be no mother fu**in accident."
  Now should the turd abscond with the victims purse let's say; and you decide to pursue make sure your phone line is still open and keep giving description and direction, and know when to quit especially if the cavalry roll up. I never recommend pursuit......but if you do, know when to quit
 and attend to the victim and deal with law enforcement. If you have had to use deadly force to prevent the commission of serious bodily injury or death to you or a third person then you are gonna have to deal with lawyers and cops and the lawyers are gonna be on both sides of the aisle. I'm not worried about multi-tasking here but be prudent and think. Your gonna have to do a lotta things under a great deal of stress so do it slowly kinda quick-like.
  In the end I look at it from what would I want someone to do for me or for my sweetheart or granddaughter or family members? How bout you?

Your Instructor   .......... Happy Thanksgiving everybody........Eddie OUT

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tis the season to be cautious...True Stories

When my children were young we lived in an apartment complex in Pasadena. I was working days at the Elementary School across the street where my son and daughter were students and at night i worked in a band playing five to six nights a week. We worked in a series of beer joint/dives owned by a gentleman named Frank St****ns. He and his bar manager girlfriend Donna ( I have heard they're both no longer of this life and have cast off this mortal coil. As I said I've heard.) were well known cocaine users/smokers. One day they were visiting their mutual friend at the complex myself and my family and my bassist and his family all lived. They went in to visit their mutual lady friend who it so happened was also their "connection" as small time dealers are known. They proceeded to get high and smoke some crack. This of course after leaving Donna's less than three year old little boy down in Franks Red Ford pickup; motor running, a/c on and........LOADED WEAPON UNDER THE FRONT SEAT! ! The baby was NOT secured in a child car seat. Guess what the baby found? Yep. The weapon! Horribly, the baby discharged the weapon grievously wounding himself and thankfully not killing himself. The Angels were there that day. .......

The next stories I am excerpting fro The American Rifleman that came in yesterdays mail. (NRA Publication/periodical) in the "the Armed Citizen". column.

  • Item one: "Dressed in black hooded jackets, and black masks, two men entered a Columbus Ga. area home around 2a.m. through a lower level door...
  • Item two: Bradley Fugate recalls of a frightening home invasion. Police say the armed suspects burst in the home shortly after Fugate opened the front and back doors to let some cool air inside."
  • Item three: "Rocking her baby to sleep one night, a Traverse City, Mich. woman heard her kitchen open  and saw a strange man enter her home."
  • Item four:"Police say a club-wielding intruder entered a home's unlocked front door while the residents were inside. He snuck down the hallway, entered  a bedroom and began....Hilton Head S.C."
 These are all true stories and you can read the entire text of the column in The American Rifleman December 2009 issue pg. 10. Nothing out of context here.

The stories other than Donna's child have some striking similarities and one fact in common.
"one fact in common." The attackers were all stopped by the citizen/residents. Why? They had and produced their WEAPONS and used them ! ! !

Similarities' The residents were all at home at the time of the attack. The attackers were armed and were intent on committing the crime. The attackers entered through doors left unlocked, open or unsecured by....THE VICTIMS.

The powers that be are intent on disarming all of us. Don't think so? If the powers don't trust soldiers to have arms during peace or war, on post ( ref. Ft. Hood) what makes you think they trust you? The police in all incidents including the murders at Ft. Hood were reacting (not on scene).

We all remember the time you could leave your doors unlocked  blah blah blah blah........ Come on the key word in there is REMEMBER. That time is gone forever. Sadly.

DON'T MAKE THE CROOKS JOB EASIER ! ! !  Our government wants to do that for you.

From your Instructor Eddie... OUT

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Answer to Questions Regarding CHL Laws

Hi again from your Instructor.

This is a continuation of answers to "Questions" but I'm going to combine  all the questions into one answer. O.K.?

The State of Texas Penal Code- PC chapter 46.13. MAKING A FIREARM ACCESSIBLE TO A CHILD.
In this section:
  • "Child" means a person younger than 17 years of age.
  • "Readily dischargeable firearm" means a firearm that is loaded with ammunition whether or not a round is in the chamber.
  • "Secure" means to take the steps that a reasonable person would take to prevent the access to a readily dischargeable firearm by a child, including but not limited to placing a firearm in a locked container or temporarily rendering the firearm inoperable by a trigger lock or other means.

A person commits an offense if a child gains access to a readily dischargeable firearm and the person with criminal negligence:
  1. failed to secure the firearm, or
  2. left the firearm in a place to which the person knew or should have known the child would gain access.


It is a Class C Misdemeanor "unless the child discharges the child discharges the firearm and causes death or serious bodily injury to another person or himself."  or " the child, in discharging the firearm caused the death of or serious injury to the child" (shot themselves)

Then it's a Class A Misdemeanor. This also includes now unauthorized adults.

How many of us know someone who has told us. "My guns are put up and my kids know better than to go poking around in my closet" or where ever?  or It's always in my room/closet and they never go in their. They know better or they know the rules. Yeah until they do. Lock it up it is not an option it is the law. It is your responsibility.  None of us are immune to a curious child or lapse of attention. None.

I have a six year old granddaughter who has said when I walk in the house from training and head for my safe " I know where you're going Paw Paw." and one time when I was wearing it and trying to fix a quick supper after a training session she told me "Paw Paw. You need to take that off and put it away cause I'm here." to which I replied. "you're right Ca***" and I did right then. It was in a police level 3 duty holster totally secure but there are NO exceptions when she's around.. EVER.

A child will climb the Empire State Building looking for Christmas presents so think. How many times have we seen in and on the news a report of a child who got a firearm out of Grandmas nightstand drawer and shot themselves or another child? A police officer in Houston was murdered by a prisoner who was both an illegal alien and a multiple felon who got hold of his Security Guard wife's firearm she had put on top of the ice box. An unauthorized prson gaining access to a weapon negligently left un secured by a professional not just a person. The cop's just as dead isn't he?

Please don't feed me that crap that "they know better than to....." that's just what it is .   CRAP !
Locks are cheap. How much is a childs life or adults life worth?

Look....if it's a revolver open the cylinder and put a padlock through the frame and hang onto the key .
If it's a semi auto ..Lock the slide back, drop the magazine out, and stick a wooden dowel in the gun through the chamber and magazine well and release the slide. or if room behind the trigger lock the padlock behind the trigger.
Rifles take out the bolts, mags, or disassemble the entire weapon. Ditto shotguns.

It's the holiday season. Historically a time when tragedies occur related to unauthorized access to firearms by a child or a suicidal adult.
Olease don't let this happen in your home or to your family.   STAY ALERT & THEY'LL STAY ...ALIVE.

Your Instructor...       Eddie

Wow! and Yeah! Ladies

I got some great questions from ladies even through their not so better halves. Here goes:

1."You have mentioned about carrying in purses. Is there any purse or pouch you can recommend?"  Outstanding! Sorry ladies after all I am a man.  

2. I can't accessorize for sh*t. There are purpose built purses available from Galco Leather, Bianchi, Safariland and others. They are very stylish and available in different styles configurations and colors. The thing I like most about them is THEY LOOK LIKE A PURSE and not a "gun purse". They all have a separate compartment for your weapon that allows immediate access to your weapon. The access is easy and well hidden from sight and they almost all, have a holster in that compartment that secures your weapon. I know you could walk with your hand on your weapon same as if you had your hand on your keys and no one can tell. The shoulder straps are all reinforced. Coronado Leather makes good ones too. A man with a holster can't get away with walkin around with his hand on his weapon but a woman with her hand in her purse? No problem. Fanny packs scream GUN ! ! and crooks even look for them and practice how to steal them off a wearers body so I stay away from them generally. You have to practice drawing from them though. Tip: You can shoot through your purpose if you have to. If you have an old one you don't ever use, take it to the range put your weapon in it and shoot through it. I mean if you were gonna get rid of it why not give it a warriors death. Also, I wouldn't want to get hit in the head with a purse never one that had a three pound (loaded) piece of steel in it. If all else fails girls, think about that.

3. "My son says I should have this or that.....what do you think?" Screw him. Think he'll be there if you're attacked. I doubt it. The philosophical discourse usually goes " Man: I have 4000 super magnum and the little woman's got the poodle shooter." Man: "Trust me honey. You need this little..." Two of my ex's have had no problem picking their own full size large caliber weapons without my help (other than one happened to be my S& W Model 19) one a six shot .357 Magnum revolver and the other a full size Sig Sauer 9mm service semi auto pistol. You know who you are girls. They both qualified with them and have no problem handling them proficiently.

4. " Who are better shooters? Men or women?" In my 30 + years of doing this Instructor thing I do have an opinion about that and it is generally agreed upon by most professional Instructors. My best trainees have been....The envelope please.......WOMEN. Now before the guys go to bitchin I have to say this and you gotta admit it fellas; ladies take instruction more readily and open minded. I am a guy and I am a very good shooter but dat's my yob. Ladies generally come a little timid at first but almost all of them are there for my instruction because they really want to be there. I've had plenty of male shooters who are there for my instruction because it is required for their qualification and as far as their attitude projects, I'm not gonna show them anything. They already know all they need to know. No one in this email list (guys) makes that group which is why I send these to y'all male and female alike. Every woman I have ever trained and qualified has done so without any special consideration for her being a female when she took the proficiency test. I wouldn't want to get shot by any of them. They're all pretty damn good and one is my best overall trainee.

As Forrest Gump said...  "That's all I have to say bout that.."  

Your Instructor...  Eddie

Monday, November 16, 2009

Questions: Nite Sites, Registration & Close the damn door!

Wow! I am blessed with some great trainees and they are highly intelligent too. The exact opposite or antithesis of the gun totin' redneck trailer trash beer guzzlin' guacamole eatin' Cowboys and Caowgirls the media portrays us as. And aren't y'all supposed to be bloodthirsty? What's goin' on?

Today I looked at the emails and questions you've sent and the feed back. Please let me know what your thoughts are. All of you. It will make me a better and more effective instructor.

I got a bunch of questions today and BTW if you have email addresses of folks who trained with you please get them to me if you can or feel free to forward these emails or print em. I'm good to go on all that. Give them to any friends and family who are shooters or nay sayers. Educating is the best way to make converts not trying to ram it down their throats. Education = enlightenment for the timid and the ignorant.

For my trainees please understand that as far as your instructor is concerned; I understand that carrying a weapon is not for everyone. That is not a problem. Crime on the other hand concerns everyone and can affect anyone at any time. Self defense... first word in the term is SELF.  It's your responsibility. It's our responsibility. Do you know that the police and all law enforcement have no duty to protect you or I? That's right. They may swear to it and it may be a saying on the cars but they have no duty to do it. If your family members or friends have grandpa's shotgun for home defense offer your insight and safety knowledge to them or have contact me. It won't cost them anything but time and as I say just might save their lives.

I will answer as many question as I can and I promise that eventually I'll get em all. Some of you know me well enough that my memory runs in the "CRS" category sometimes. No not the "can't remember s**t group. I like to say "can remember sometimes> covers me. So please don't get offended. I'll get to it. As it is I'm playing catch up with y'all since my DPS re-certification.


1. "Will there be gun control, registration or what?"    Great question. Comes up all the time. Do you remember that form that you and I have to fill out when we bought our weapons? Who did it go to? BATFE is who. The U.S Government Bureau of Alcohol-Tobacco-Firearms and Explosives and it never goes away so you tell me if there's registration. Gun control I have already taught you. "See the front sight." That is gun control, one round at a time or what(?)ever.

2. "What are Nite sites also spelled Night sights?" They are sights that have small tubes of radioactive material in the place where they are usually black or have white dots etc' They glow in the dark BRIGHTLY. They have a variable shelf/working life that is about ten to thirteen years. They are invaluable and are available as direct replacements for your factory sights without voiding warranties. Most quality shops have them and install them. Drop em off and you can usually wait or get them later the same day. They are worth every penny. Get them. They are available for most handguns and other platforms ( rifle, AR, shotguns etc.. Revolvers are only slightly limited due to structural consideration so have revolver sights installed by a gunsmith. If you need info on where holler at me. BTW the material is Tritium>

3. "What TV shows or video or printed material do you know is available for me as a trainee that you can recommend?"   Funny you should ask. I was just about to send out that info without being asked so that is a great one. The "all new" Sportsman Channel" 131 Comcast has a few shows that are very informative and I stumbled across it a couple weeks ago so I don't have scheduling down totally yet. They ron three shows on Thursday nights from eight pm on called Tactical Arms,Personal Defense T.V., Tactical Impact and at other times I'm not sure of there is Guns & Ammo tv  check them out they are not too bad. I actually know one of the instructors. DVDs are available from Thunder Ranch and I use them in classes I swear by them. Sig has two you can find on their website and BTW anything you can't find can be Googled. I personally read American Handgunner magazine () and have for years. A great source of info and like Clint Smiths Thunder Ranch videos is full of good true stuff and common sense material.  I'll tell you one everybody should watch for the amount of bulls**t that goes on. It's called Lock and Load on channel 475 on Comcast at various times. This is not to be confused wit Lock N Load with R. Lee Ermey on the History Channel (58  Comcast) which is very good and technical in a minor way. The show on 475 is set at a gun store in Colorado and will PISS YOU OFF! Guns pointed everywhere, bad information, worse safety as a matter of fact last nite there was not one mention of safety in the entire program. You tell me what it makes those of us safety conscious shooters look like. The range shots are some of the most maddening crap you'll ever see. The salesman is living proof of why some people just Need shootin.  The show is a lawsuit in waiting for Showtime and personally I can't wait but for the fact that someone might get injured in the process Heaven forbid.

4. "What alternatives do I have for defense?" Simply? Use your imagination. Pepper or OC spray but remember in a house or car you're gonna be just about as affected as the crook. Tasers are legal to own in Texas and other states and run in the three hundred dollar range or slightly less. steel bodied flashlights, knives, bats, garden and kitchen implements, are contact weapons which means the crook is in contact range and when you get blood or tissue on an knife it's damn bout impossible to hang on to. Improvise. Keys between your index and middle fingers in your fist to the neck and eyes or face, Pens , cologne to the eyes again. A good swift kick to the nuts, purse to the head and balls or knees finger gouging thrown coffee or coke , all with screaming accompaniment. If you're in that kind of fight screw the worries about bodily fluid. Punch scratch,kick, gouge and bite the sh*t out of em. You can live with the bodily fluid exchange key word LIVE. If they try to get you in your car don't do it. Do everything you can to draw attention to yourself but better to die where you stand fighting than to be dragged off and face that. Same if they try to force you into another vehicle. The latest national and regional statistics on crime show that home invasions have doubled and assaults both aggravated and sexual against persons are up dramatically and resulting injuries are up proportionately. Interestingly home invasions are being set up by parties that have information from sources we have come to accept as part of everyday lives of convenience. Lawn/landscaping crews where released crooks can find work and where gang members and illegal aliens work are passing info to family members who are dirt bags or using the info themselves. Lock your damned doors and close your garage doors especially if you are at home alone. One thing about knives is that they never run out of ammunition so stick one in your pocket by the supplied clip. Stay alert stay alive. Watch for transient traffic in your neighborhood and if you don't personally know any contractor or their references don't leave them alone in your home or on your property. It is not rude. Never let a contractor or lawn crew work on your property or in your house when you ain't there. Hide a key? Don't be a fool. Hard facts folks.

5. One more. "What are your favorite brands of guns Eddie?" Sig Sauer, Smith & Wesson, Remington shotguns, Springfield Armory, and no preferences for rifles they're all pretty much the same let me not forget Ruger firearms. All these products are my favorites.

 Man I'm gettin tired so I'm gonna bail off here. I'll get the rest of the questions next time.  

Stay safe and happy,  Your Instructor... Eddie

PS: Personal Defense tv is run on Mondays at 9:30 pm, also.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Mindset for Surviving, When ya got no choice!

A little more than a year ago, a friend of mine who is an instructor at a Police Dept. nearby, asked if I could work with an officer who was frustrating him. Actually two of them but only one is relevant to this part of our training. The gentleman who is a member of the law enforcement and related to a high ranking member of the agency he works for does not work the street. Thank  God. He stated to me that, and I quote " I'm not sure I could  shoot somebody." and he was serious. " I work in the office" Obviously the gentleman is in the wrong line of work. It's a career path to politics for him. I certainly let him know that he is in the wrong line of work and is doing a disgraceful disservice to all the communities he is supposed to serve.

Folks as CHL holders and as trainees, I know each one of you is capable of using deadly force to defend yourselves and your loved ones. You made that decision before you came to me for training. That is the first step to a "mindset" that you have. Now, that said you can't stop there. Please read this list of philosophical precepts I live by in regards to defending my world. As with everything I've taught; take what works and make it your own. Some of them are my own and the ones in quotation marks are ones I've learned from others.

Let me know what you think.

1. The rules of gun fighting are simple. Have a gun.
2. "Better yet have two."
3. Ammo is cheap. How much is your life worth?
4. "Only hits count, close doesn't."
5. If your shooting stance is good you're not moving fast enough or usin cover effectively.
6. "Move away from your attacker. Time and distance are your friends."
7. "If you know there's gonna be a gunfight and you have a choice of what to bring, bring a rifle, and invite all your friends who have rifles and all their friends with rifles."
8. " In ten years nobody will remember the gun you used , the caliber or your stance and tactics they'll only remember who lived and who didn't."
9. If you're not shooting you better be reloadin' or gettin' to cover
10. "Use a gun that works."
11. If I'm ever killed with my own gun, I'll have been beaten to death with it cause it was empty.
12. I'll never get killed for lack of shootin' back.
13. "In a gunfight always cheat, always win. There are no rules. The only unfair fight is the one you lose."
14. "Have a plan. Have a backup plan cause yer first one won't work."
15. The only visible target should be the one in your sights. Use cover. Get down.
16. Don't drop your guard even after you drop the bad guy.
17. "Watch their hands.Hands kill. In god we trust. Everyone else keep your hands where I can see em."
18. "The faster you finish the fight, the less shot you'll get." Just cause you're shootin' doesn't mean you won't get shot.
19. Your number one priority should be to be the one at home watching the news about the gunfight you were in.
20. Don't forget to duck.
21. When the shootin' stops look around. Wolves run in packs.
22. Look up, look em in the eye. Your attackers eyes won't be on the ground nor should yours be.If you look like a victim you will be a victim. If I look like a victim it's an ambush.
23. "Stay alert! Stay alive! it's as simple as that."
24. "Be ready to shoot rather than waiting to be shot."If you are looking into the belly of the beast....SHOOT HIM AGAIN.
25. "Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six."
26. He who hesitates........ LOSES. Hit first, hit hardest, hit decisively but ....above all ......HIT!

You must be mentally prepared all the time when you have the mindset and equipment for defending yourself. This doesn't mean to go around teeth clenched, white knuckle paranoid. Trust me you don't have to look for trouble it'll find ya.

When I went through my first phase of law enforcement training, I saw a behavioral study tape made in the penitentiary. In the video (scuze me) they interviewed a rapist/robber/multiple murderer awaiting execution. The agent asked him this question, "When do you normally look for your victims? His answer sent a chill up my spine..."Man, I'm always lookin' for victims." His last murder victims were slaughtered when he was walkin' home and he spotted an open garage door. Are y'all payin attention? As I recall he got some food and about thirty three dollars.

Remember this. Are the inmates the ones running the asylum? Ever watch the T.V. shows about maximum security prisons? Who's keepin' those people in the asylum and apart from us? A man or woman with......a gun.

Make it simple and repeat it to yourself often. "STAY ALERT! STAY ALIVE! It's as simple as that.

Your Instructor... Eddie

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tips for Gun Owners

Tip 1: If you are storing quantities of ammunition make sure you turn the boxes over every so often to keep the powder charges from compressing.

Make sure you check every round of ammo in a new box before you load it.

Look at it!!!!! No primers, wrong caliber stamps, no or loose projectile, all are common. CHECK EVERY ROUND!

Tip 2: Check your weapon for "push off" Gun pointed in a safe direction AT THE RANGE!!!

Magazine out, chamber/cylinder empty.
Cock the hammer and push the hammer hard.

If the hammer falls, that is "push off". DO NOT USE THIS WEAPON UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES if the hammer falls. Send the weapon back to the manufacturer if it's new or take it to a gunsmith. This is not something you can fix by yourself unless you are an armorer or gunsmith. WHEN YOU PERFORM THIS CHECK DO IT WITH YOUR FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER AND OUT OF THE TRIGGER GUARD.  NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!!!!

If you have a striker fired weapon (Glock, Sringfield XD, S&W M & P, Kahr etc.) you are SOL. I suppose you could tap an exposed striker with a brass mallet, but I certainly do not recommed that at all.

Tip 3: If you are using an ankle rig for carry you better practice drawing it.

If you are carrying in your boot you better practice drawing from the boot.

If you are carry ing in a purse you better practice drawing from it.

Regardless of method of carry practice drawing from it cause if you get in a situation where you have to use your weapon; chances are you won't be standing at low ready facing your attacker.

If you have a compact semi auto or small revolver you need to practice more than others because these are experts guns. Just cause you can put it in your pocket or purse doesn't mean you know how to use it or hit with it in a hurry while you're scared.

Tip 4: Don't ever buy or choose your weapon because of the " cool factor".  There is nothing cool about having to use a firearm in self defense.

Tip 5: Don't ever carry reloads in your weapon for your personal defense.

Tip 6: Know the difference between "cover" and "concealment" in a fight.

Tip 7: Know and practice how to clear a jam or malfunction.

Tip 8: Magazines and flashlights. Know how to use them. If you mount a weapons light; DO NOT use it to search with if it is mounted on your weapon.  EVER!

KNOW THIS.... There are no magic bullets and knockdown power is a myth use the most powerful ammunition you can consistently hit with.

Practice with both eyes open, at distances from contact to seven yards.

Practice with your weak hand.
Practice with one hand (weak & stron sides).


Your Instructor, Eddie... OUT!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

O.K. From The Instructor... Answers to Questions

Got a few very good questions about the tips I sent out and a couple of ther points I did not think of so here goes.

First off. I have been instructing firearms usage since the 1970's and I still don't know everything there is to know about the subject but what I do know I willingly impart to my trainees as what I consider part of teaching a life saving skill.

To the trainees who asked about "push off" just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. My recent recertification at DPS in Austin started at the range and as we were at the first stage of revolver qualification at the 3yd. line a female instructor two positions to my right had her Smith & Wesson Model 686 (six shot, .357 magnum revolver) checked by the Trooper assigned to function check her weapon. The Trooper picked it up checked for unloaded condition, closed the cylinder cocked the hammer and pushed on the hammer with the fleshy part of his hand and to the amazement of those who have never seen it before.....The hammer fell forward to her astonishment.

Now she is an instructor mind you. "PUSH OFF"
It's her responsibility to know handgun function at the very least.

PUSH OFF and how to check for it    AGAIN  FINGER OFF TRIGGER

  1. AT THE RANGE muzzle pointed in a safe direction (downrange) empty your weapon and double check it for unloaded condition. (revolver-cylinder open check all chambers,  semi auto- magazine out, slide locked back check chamber and mag well)
  2. Revolvers- close empty cylinder and cock the hammer. With finger out of the trigger guard, take the fleshy part of your palm and push hard on the hammer.  Do it again. Do it again. If the hammer falls forward or moves perceptibly guess what?  PUSH OFF.
  3. Semi autos- with magazine out, drop the slide and do the same thing to the hammer on your semi auto. If it falls or moves guess what? PUSH OFF.
I covered striker fired weapons yesterday and as I said you are s.o.l.

I have seen push off on handguns and rifles most notably those with purposely lightened trigger pulls.

A trainee asked me about the practice habits with (specifically) ankle rigs. I have been at two ranges, one a local PD range where a shooter with one, kinda accidental like, shot the ground while trying to deploy his hammerless revolver, and a officer who told me "I don't practice with it cause it's just for my back up piece." Well when he tried to draw it in a hurry he gouged his calf to the point of drawing blood and then dropped the weapon on the concrete.  Get it?

Another trainee asked why you need a license to carry if you just have the weapon in your car "and that's legal because of traveling."  Wrong DUMAS. Ask any officer how he feels about that and get back to me.

Another trainee asked me about lights and lasers. OK, simply; a laser is not a sight. It is an aid to your sights. A reference point if you will and is no substitute for sight acquisition. As a matter of experience I have found that those who use lasers to aim are terrible marksmen, and are completely distracted from the threat while staring at the bouncing red dot. What do you think the bad guy's doing while you think how cool the laser looks. If you watch the dot you can't watch the threat. It is an aid.

I use my personal light/laser combo (Streamlight) on my duty weapons with the laser set about two inches right of my point of aim with my sights to AID me and it took PRACTICE.
Another trainee asked me why I joke about using a handgun to fight my way to a rifle? It's not a joke. If I know I 'm gonna be in a fight and I have my druthers, I'll have a rifle.

I love the questions because on this subject there is no such thing as a stupid question. So please keep asking. Oh BTW, the lady instructor and her revolver were removed from the line and she had to re-qualify with a borrowed revolver and failed her qualification. At least it wasn't pointed at someone when it had PUSH OFF.

STAY SAFE AND PRACTICE   Your friend and Instructor  Eddie