Saturday, November 21, 2009

A very good question cause it "tis the season to be cautious"

Hi y'all,

 I finished my Christmas shopping on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Since I try to practice what I teach, I was extra observant of others. I tend to be a people watcher whether or not my situational awareness is heightened via holidays or whatever. Following my normal shopping (holiday or not), I parked in a more open area of the WalMart (Humble,TX.) lot. Any woman that has ever been around me knows that I'd rather take an ass whoopin' by a liberal democrat at a gay rights rally than shop. Yes I know that the ones who really know me would say "yeah but you can spend 2 hours at Kroger's" and they'd be right... ... hey what can I say? That aside I do have Christmas presents to buy for 2 granddaughters and my son, daughter and select friends. So I just suck it up and try to get it done as early as possible.

In store: I was amazed at how many purses left unattended and little children also. Amazed! I was also as amazed that more people didn't shield the credit card terminal swipe thingy from view and how loudly they gave out their phone numbers. These are very simple things to do folks. At the terminal just turn your body to block the view and when you process the transaction make sure you hit the CLEAR button. If you are required to give a phone number do it by writing it down on a post it or something and hand it to the clerk to record and TAKE IT BACK.

In the parking lot: Not one person made eye contact with me. Always make eye contact. I park far away so that if a turd is setting me up he's gonna have to follow me for a ways and with my head on a swivel scan, I have a real high probability of spotting a predators and his crew. I was once again, amazed that women were simply bent over the trunks or head in the doorways of their vehicles, men too but mostly I saw ladies as it was mid week morning. Now here's what I do all the time at either a retailer or Kroger. I approach my vehicle as far out in the traffic lane as safely possible and put my cart at the rear right quarter panel. I look around and open my passenger door all the way. I grab a bag put it inside while looking over and around, grab another and repeat same thing till loaded. I never put my head inside my vehicle until I get in it to drive off. I saw people walking out with bags in both hands and no keys out. Think here. Both hands full and no improvised weapon to defend self with? Remember what I say? "If you look like a victim you will be a victim. Remember the turds are ALWAYS looking for victims. ALWAYS.
These simple techniques take no skill and are not "high speed tactics" just common sense.

Bill asked this excellent question considering the season, and it's useful all the time as a trained CHL holder.

Question: If you're out at dinner or shopping (armed with your CHL, weapon and spare magazine as always) and you see an assault or robbery in progress in the parking lot... ... What would you do? what would you recommend your students do? I'll split the answer ito two pieces.

Answer: I would react immediately without regard to the gender of the victim or the assailant (s).

Answer part 2:  I'll split this because my tactics should apply to all of my trainees as well as to their Instructor.
React immediately. I would approach the assault and assailants from an angle or loop around it since this would allow me to observe and note all the factors, and help me slow down the fear adrenalin rush because you will be scared. Second as I react I will dial 911 and leave the line open. I will give as slowly as I can a description of the incident the, the victim, assailant myself and my weapon, and injuries if visible. The approach from an angle will help you see innocent bystanders and things like cover but most paramount of considerations other than the attack ... it might help me spot the perpetrators other predators  cause wolves travel in packs.
  Do not shout warnings other than STOP !....Remember Joe Horn any body? Why do we shoot? We shoot to STOP the attack.
Approach do not charge and if you don't have to engage the bad guy (s) don't run in there with a drawn weapon if the cavalry is on scene. You might get kinda shot real accidental like. Richard Pryor said it best...."I ain't gonna be no mother fu**in accident."
  Now should the turd abscond with the victims purse let's say; and you decide to pursue make sure your phone line is still open and keep giving description and direction, and know when to quit especially if the cavalry roll up. I never recommend pursuit......but if you do, know when to quit
 and attend to the victim and deal with law enforcement. If you have had to use deadly force to prevent the commission of serious bodily injury or death to you or a third person then you are gonna have to deal with lawyers and cops and the lawyers are gonna be on both sides of the aisle. I'm not worried about multi-tasking here but be prudent and think. Your gonna have to do a lotta things under a great deal of stress so do it slowly kinda quick-like.
  In the end I look at it from what would I want someone to do for me or for my sweetheart or granddaughter or family members? How bout you?

Your Instructor   .......... Happy Thanksgiving everybody........Eddie OUT

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