Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tis the season to be cautious...True Stories

When my children were young we lived in an apartment complex in Pasadena. I was working days at the Elementary School across the street where my son and daughter were students and at night i worked in a band playing five to six nights a week. We worked in a series of beer joint/dives owned by a gentleman named Frank St****ns. He and his bar manager girlfriend Donna ( I have heard they're both no longer of this life and have cast off this mortal coil. As I said I've heard.) were well known cocaine users/smokers. One day they were visiting their mutual friend at the complex myself and my family and my bassist and his family all lived. They went in to visit their mutual lady friend who it so happened was also their "connection" as small time dealers are known. They proceeded to get high and smoke some crack. This of course after leaving Donna's less than three year old little boy down in Franks Red Ford pickup; motor running, a/c on and........LOADED WEAPON UNDER THE FRONT SEAT! ! The baby was NOT secured in a child car seat. Guess what the baby found? Yep. The weapon! Horribly, the baby discharged the weapon grievously wounding himself and thankfully not killing himself. The Angels were there that day. .......

The next stories I am excerpting fro The American Rifleman that came in yesterdays mail. (NRA Publication/periodical) in the "the Armed Citizen". column.

  • Item one: "Dressed in black hooded jackets, and black masks, two men entered a Columbus Ga. area home around 2a.m. through a lower level door...
  • Item two: Bradley Fugate recalls of a frightening home invasion. Police say the armed suspects burst in the home shortly after Fugate opened the front and back doors to let some cool air inside."
  • Item three: "Rocking her baby to sleep one night, a Traverse City, Mich. woman heard her kitchen open  and saw a strange man enter her home."
  • Item four:"Police say a club-wielding intruder entered a home's unlocked front door while the residents were inside. He snuck down the hallway, entered  a bedroom and began....Hilton Head S.C."
 These are all true stories and you can read the entire text of the column in The American Rifleman December 2009 issue pg. 10. Nothing out of context here.

The stories other than Donna's child have some striking similarities and one fact in common.
"one fact in common." The attackers were all stopped by the citizen/residents. Why? They had and produced their WEAPONS and used them ! ! !

Similarities' The residents were all at home at the time of the attack. The attackers were armed and were intent on committing the crime. The attackers entered through doors left unlocked, open or unsecured by....THE VICTIMS.

The powers that be are intent on disarming all of us. Don't think so? If the powers don't trust soldiers to have arms during peace or war, on post ( ref. Ft. Hood) what makes you think they trust you? The police in all incidents including the murders at Ft. Hood were reacting (not on scene).

We all remember the time you could leave your doors unlocked  blah blah blah blah........ Come on the key word in there is REMEMBER. That time is gone forever. Sadly.

DON'T MAKE THE CROOKS JOB EASIER ! ! !  Our government wants to do that for you.

From your Instructor Eddie... OUT

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