QUESTION: The regular need for range time goes without saying but with the rising cost of ammunition in the last year or so it is getting almost cost prohibitive to squeeze off that 150 to 200 rounds needed to keep a sharp eye and good trigger control. Do you feel you get the needed benefits by using 22 caliber guns for practice or 22 conversions for your carry pistol? Huge savings in dollars but what are you trading in return?
ANSWER: Conversions are almost as expensive as buying a .22 pistol. A .22 caliber pistol is a viable defensive weapon for sure so the benefit of practice is extremely valid to all aspects since you specifically mention "eye and trigger control". A conversion kit will cost about the same as 500 rounds or more of .40 S&W ammo which could equal five 100 round practice sessions split every 2 months that's just shy of a year and a good training regimen. (Most police recertification/firearms training involves 100 to 200 rounds annually or bi-annually exceptions being semi-annually depending on departmental policy and municipality budgetary consideration/allotment.)

QUESTION: As violent crime continues to rise more and more women see the need to carry concealed, which I think is great, however, do you feel most of the women that get their license have made up their mind mentally and morally to pull the trigger to protect themselves? If not, how do we help them to that decision, now, before they are faced with it.
ANSWER: I gage the mental ability to use deadly force by women specifically no differently than in males. In many instances I believe women will "drop the hammer" without hesitation because the factor of sexual assault is far more likely to be a component of an attack against a woman. I also do NOT believe that the "lioness defending her cubs" is a metaphor, and when cornered I'm pretty sure they'll charge ferociously and determinedly especially if properly trained. In all my years doing this I've only had one trainee actually say to me "I'm not sure I could shoot somebody"... that person was NOT! a female. Seen lots of women afraid of guns; so am I, but they were wanting to be trained for a reason.
QUESTION: Our current government probably will not push for American citizens to give up their guns although, may very well make it very difficult to produce and purchase ammunition. Do you feel it necessary for the average shooter to be a re-loader as well? If so to what percentage of current usage?
ANSWER: Every trainee of mine should learn to reload ammunition! It saves tons of money, it's fun, it's fascinating to do, and it gives a shooter an added sense of accomplishment when they fire the first round they made themselves. I reload for all my pistols and two of my rifles and will soon reload for four of my rifles. I don't reload for my 9mm or .223 as that ammo is still just as cheaply bought as reloaded. I have one complete reloading station and will soon have another specifically set up for .45 ACP. Depending on caliber, my cost runs about $7 to $12 dollars a box (50) all calibers.
QUESTION: if you do not own a gun but have come to the realization you need to be armed, in what order would you purchase your weapons for personal and home defense. Using the list below as your options:
____ a. Semi-auto pistol
____ b. Revolver pistol
____ c. Bolt action hunting rifle w/ scope
____ d. AR/M4 Semi-Auto Rifle
____ f. Hunting Style Pump Shotgun
____ g. Tactical Style Pump Shotgun
ANSWER: I love this question, good one:
- g. Tactical shotgun (either pump or semi, 12 ga.,20 ga., or .410 ga. in that order )
- d. M-4 (223 or 5.56 Nato) with flashlight on side rail and good red dot either flat top or A1 with handle
- b. Revolvers are easier to manipulate under stress when startled from sleep. (six shot .357/.38 or .44 Mag/.44 special)
- a. Semi Auto pistol of conventional double action if minimally trained , your choice otherwise.
- h. Maglite, Surefire, Streamlight tactical flashlight (you left it off the list but just as valuable as your firearm)
Fantastic questions, I know I can always count on my students and friends for great, thought provoking questions and conversation. As always, you can ask about anything. I may not always know the answer but I'll always have an opinion.
Eddie OUT
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