Wednesday, January 13, 2010

More Questions...

QUESTION 1: Could you please elaborate on your comment "practice smart"?

I'll be glad to, thanks for asking. Doug walked up while I was firing at the range and remarked to me that he didn't know I was a left handed shooter. I'M NOT! everybody should practice shooting both strong and weak hand as it's called. I do at least fifteen rounds if not more but two magazines full weak hand is fine. It will feel strange at first but not for long. You may not always be in a position to fire strong hand without exposing yourself to danger in a deadly force confrontation at home or elsewhere, or you may get injured or have to restrain or shield a family member. It's smart practice. Practice shooting with BOTH EYES OPEN. It's smart practice. Practice magazine reloads, this is something I rarely see civilians or police do on ranges. Usually they load a mag. insert and fire. then take out the empty mag, pick up the full one insert and fire. You should learn to fire til dry, drop the mag and retrieve your spare from, pocket, purse or pouch, wherever you will carry it, rack your slide and get back in the fight. That's smart practice. Those are just a couple of examples, but try them on for size and let me know how it went for ya. Don't forget to shoot at real life situation targets also.
  You can order targets from a company named SPEEDWELL (Google/Bing them) and order all different types if you'd like. They have package deals that include a variety of scenario targets. That's smart practice too.

QUESTION 2: OK Mr. Instructor, just where is a safe place to live since you think Ft. Bend and Sugar Land are so dangerous?

Being one of the worlds biggest smart asses, I love sarcasm so in that vein I shall say first........."a safe place to live"? THE MOON? HEAVEN?
I'm not so sure about heaven, cause most serial killers, and child molesters and death row inmates find religion and forgiveness at the point of a lethal injection, and all of them who receive last rites get forgiveness as part of the package.....heh heh heh heh. makes ya wonder don't it?
Seriously though, Ft. Bend and Sugar Land are no safer or more dangerous than any other community anywhere in the world. Don't fool yourself. As I write this I note that there was another incident of attempted robbery and shooting at First Colony Mall a couple of nights ago? Where exactly is that Mall located? The criminals go where they think or know they will have the best chance of success, have a target rich environment, and have the most likely chance of getting away with the crime. They are predators. The safest place to live is within yourself and your ability to create a safe and peaceful state within yourself. Having the skill and willingness to defend yourself and your loved ones by adding measured doses of lead at high speed to the environment of a dirt bags body don't hurt either.

Great questions folks. I have a few more I'll get to next week, and don't forget the Gun Show at Reliant the 23rd and 24th of this month.

Your Instructor Eddie.....................OUT

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