Amendment 2
“A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.”
Nothing more nothing less.
I have for most of my firearms career heard all of the rhetoric about the “2nd Amendment” from both those who would seek to keep us from having guns for our own personal defense; to those who would have us believe that God himself wants us all to carry .50 Cals. Neither side has ever afforded in my humble opinion, the general public with a true “definition” of the Second Amendment to the Constitution of The United States. Let’s look at the word “Amendment” shall we? Webster’s New World Dictionary defines it as: (a mend ment): “1. A change for the better; improvement 2. a correction of errors, faults etc. 3. A revision or addition proposed or made in a bill, law, constitution, etc.”
The Constitution has a bunch of “amendments” or quite simply add -ons, corrections, improvements, etc.
Nowhere in the Constitution does it say we are guaranteed by The Constitution or the Federal, State or local Governments or by God Almighty Himself, the right to carry any kind of firearm in public or at home for our personal protection or self defense. WE , have had those types of laws which govern or licensures of those things written into our State laws and as yet there is NO SUCH THING as a Federal or National law or license for carrying of firearms for self defense.
That’s about as simple as I can make it folks because when you start waving around your “Second Amendment Rights” you are doing nothing more than waving a big grey area around!!
Yes there have been cases in all levels of Courts of Law about the Second Amendment, but not one has said it as simply as “The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution says that every law abiding non felon citizen of the United States of America can own and bear or carry a gun or guns It’s their right.”, and ya know what? You’re never going to see it defined that way, ever. The government doesn’t want you to have guns because citizens with guns can revolt and take power back the way the framers of the Constitution did way back when. (They did it with guns, they didn’t vote the British out they did it with force and kept it with force…..DEADLY FORCE) The old adage that “power comes at the end of the barrel of a gun.” (Tip of a spear, point of a sword, end of a bayonet etc etc. etc.) is and always has been the hidden truth to the Second Amendment.
The NRA has it all wrong. So does the Brady Campaign, The Handgun Violence Policy Center etc. etc.
Maybe the look should come from another angle. Now let me say I DO NOT PROPOSE OR BELIEVE THAT WHAT I AM ABOUT TO SAY IS HOW I BELIEVE IT SHOULD BE!!!! I AIN’T THE KING. When I am stuff will be way different.
Maybe if you look at it as if, all guns and gun owners should be registered and cataloged, Nationally, and all gun owners and their guns be issued a license that would allow for Nationwide carrying of their legally registered firearms whether concealed or in the open; and those licenses were flexible in that the legally registered and licensed citizen could add other firearms purchases to the registrations simply with due process according to the licensing (calling in and giving your license # and saying “hey I bought this rifle yesterday Serial #....... Thank you.”) The Government already has the legal purchase form at BATFE or if privately purchased you give the serial # to the licensing authority. Now if I’m not mistaken;
the Gun Control folks would be satisfied right? Every gun would be controlled and owners identified right? The NRA would be satisfied cause now all the “law abiding citizens” would have a National license and be legally covered without being “Infringed” Right? AND! per NRA, Brady et al; the person caught or found with a gun outside this law would be a CRIMINAL in possession of a firearm. Wouldn’t they?