Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Unless of course you’re trying to carry a concealed handgun in Texas heat & humidity.
Yes it is upon us. Summer in Texas. We had a real winter of sorts but it did stay cool until the beginning of May which as we all know gave us an opportunity to carry a concealed handgun under garments that actually can conceal without difficulty. I enjoyed it and carried every handgun I own except for certain obvious exceptions (cowboy & Contender) that are not the type.

So how do we now deal with the excessive humidity and rising daily heat of our climate? I am a tee shirt and jeans guy. Always have been. I own vests for concealment but they get hot. I wear denim shirts but they also get hot soooooo I cut the sleeves off the old denim shirts and wear Hanes and Fruit of the Loom tank type under shirts under the cut offs. I also like Hawaiian shirts with these tanks and weigh down the corner tabs with fishing weights or bullets to avoid exposure from gusting winds. These things work very well for me. I also switch to one firearm that I find really carries well in the Houston summers.

The Glock 22, .40 S&W full-size pistol in a Blackhawk Serpa holster with the paddle instead of the belt loop and a dual magazine holder on my left side. This is a very comfortable carry in the heat and humidity and practical. The frame is polymer as are the holster and mag pouch so weight is minimal even with 45 rounds of ammo in three mags. The finish on the Glock (Melonite) is very rust resistant and the paddle keeps the slide well away from my skin without excessive exposure or printing through shirts. I don’t wear very light colors or white as the weapons being black/blue along with carry gear will show through. I learned my lesson with leather and steel guns two summers ago when I wound up having a firearm refinished after two days of carry in 100+ degree heat turned it into a rust speckled mess.  In case you don’t know, I’ll tell you that yes you can remove the rust but it will come right back and it makes the gun look bad if all you do is copper/bronze brush it off and oil it and carry it again. You have to look at your carry gun every day now that summer is here. You also have to look under the grip panels and inside the magazine wells every day without fail. Leather holsters and nylon fabric holsters and inside the waistband holsters will draw moisture/sweat. All of them. If you carry daily in the summer here in Texas you must modify your daily routine as follows:

  1. Inspect your firearm daily when you put it on and when you take it off. Look for any type of discoloring or stains or spots on the finish
  2. Wipe your weapon down daily with a clean cloth and then a lightly oiled cloth.
  3. Check holsters for sweat or salt stains and water marks. Rub them if found with leather balm or wax after brushing any salt from the leather. If nylon fabric; wash according to instructions and thoroughly dry. I DO NOT!!! RECOMMEND BALLISTIC NYLON FABRIC HOLSTER FOR CONCEALED CARRY IN ANY FORM OR FROM ANY MANUFACTURER IN OUR CLIMATE.
  4. Your leather gun belt will suck up sweat and moisture. Treat the leather and take the belt off every day and let it dry completely before you put it back on!!!!!!!
  5. Check your ammo weekly for rust or green corrosion.(brass)

There are other options available for you. You can go to ankle holsters and adjust your pants style and learn how to use it properly. You can use fanny style packs, or man sacks, ladies here you have the clear advantage with gun purses. Belly bands, “thundewear”, etc. are options if you can stand to wear such articles. Small revolvers and miniature polymer framed semi auto pistols carried in shorts or pants pockets are also widely used and viable options. Simple is best. Lightweight baggy or loose clothing and comfortable under garments with the lightest most powerful weapon you have.

Your main focus will shift to maintaining the gun to prevent rust for the next few months. This you must do because all guns will rust regardless of finish or construction materials.

Keep packin' but stay cool,

Your Instructor... Eddie

Updates from Eddie...

Hi Y'all

Just a quick heads up on the low light "night shoot". It got so hot, so quickl that I decided to wait just a little bit till it cools off. It is still a GO though. I've had lunch with Officer Maffei and he's definitely in and WILL help set the course of fire and run it with me. I have been building barricades/simulators, and have just ordered a Dueling Tree which I guarantee you will have a literal blast with. I will incorporate it into the scenario...

The barricade building is tough as I have to do it outdoors and like I said man it is warm out there. I'll have them done by next week though.

Everyone receiving this will be in the first 2 control groups. So just hang in there I'll keep you posted. I will draw names for the 2 groups, check with everyone for availability on the date, and email a liability release for the range.

Please don't forget that Galveston's SWAT Team needs ammo for their own training/practice. I have an ammo can going here at the house and have about 400 rounds (combined) of .40 and .223. Please just a box of Monarch or "Whit box" or Blazer FMJ. Every little bit helps and it's for real Gaveston provides these guys no ammo and if we gave it to GPD proper they'd take it away for their cadet classes. That sucks! Every little bit helps and keeps us safer when we visit Galveston. Anyway I hope y'all are healthy, happy, licensed and a packin. I hope you're practicin.

One more very important point before I go. Bill Robertson of Big Texas Designs (my webmaker/master) lost his Mother two weeks ago and obviously the website has been on hold until the family takes care of all that's involved. I want to send my personal condolences to Bill Robertson and my greatest admiration as he spent almost the entire time of his Moms passage from this world at her side. Good son Bill! He will get all things up and running soon and I have sent him several very good posts and more questions from Officer Maffei so keep an eyeout.

Thanks everybody, stay safe, and Practice,



(Webmaster Note:  Sorry for the delay in recent posts.  Most of you know I've been struggling with my Mom being in the hospital and finally hospice care for over 3 months.  Betty Jo Robertson he made the transition from this earth on June 13th.  She is in a much better place now and I'm sure was greeted by my Father who preceded her.  Thank you for your thoughts and prayers during this time.  Bill Robertson  PS:You can see my tribute to her on YouTube HERE )

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Great Questions for Officer Tommy Maffei from Claude W.

Dear Officer Maffei:

First of all let me say that myself, and millions like me, appreciate the frontline defense that you and your SWAT TEAM bring to citizens like myself. Were it not for dedicated Soldiers like yourself, we would not be resting comfortably in our homes in times of dire need. Thank you for putting your life on the line, so that we, and our children, can live our lives with the peace of mind in knowing that the bravery of you, and yours, are on watch. I pray that you all, now and in the future, return safely home from your appointed rounds.
I cannot say in words, what it means to me, for you all to have our backs.

My heartfelt thanks,
Claude Wooley
New Waverly, TX

(Questions are included with Officer Maffei's answers below)



I would first like to thank you for your kind words and encouragement, It’s always nice to know that their are people out there that support and respect the police still. In todays society it is not often that you are thanked for your services and instead you are looked at as a necessary evil that people love to complain on for whatever minor issue it might be. Kind words like this every once in a while is what keeps Officers motivated and proud to serve their Community.

I have tried to answer your questions as best as I can however remember that the “Law” in general is very grey and each city, county, state, police agency’s and DA’s Office do things different. These answers can change depending on the Jurisdictions. 

Question 1:

Do the same laws apply in defending one's home during times of natural disasters and for Civil Unrest? Or, do we abide the notion that these are a different set of circumstances that are separated by lawful constrictions?

Answer 1:
Do the same laws apply in defending one's home during times of natural disasters and for Civil Unrest? Or, do we abide the notion that these are a different set of circumstances that are separated by lawful constrictions?

During such critical times such as Natural Disasters or “Civil Unrest’s”  we as Officers for the most part operate with the same laws and department polices however at times the state laws give us a little more lead way. With this being said, the Law’s in regards to the defending their home as a civilian does not change during these such situations. The laws for the ways a civilian shall defend his home will not change during a natural disasters.

Question 2:
The "after dark law" is a grey area for me. When does one make the judgment call to use deadly force (if need be) for the safety of our family?

Answer 2:
The "after dark law" is a grey area for me. When does one make the judgment call to use deadly force (if need be) for the safety of our family?

I am unsure if you are referring to the use of deadly force to protect yourself, a third party such as your family, or your property, however I can say this.

The “After Dark Law” that you are referring to, only applies to the protection of property. The protection of a person or a third party does not have any restrictions in regards to time of day.

I have attached the penal code section, pertaining to the use of deadly force for protection of your property. Keep in mind also that such incident will also be referred to a Grand Jury who will ultimately decide if a person was justified to using deadly force to protect their property.

The Night Time exclusion is highlighted in red below and I also added a few “key notes” under the section just to show you how gray this Law really is.

This Law is Very Very Grey to everyone!!


Sec. 9.42.  DEADLY FORCE TO PROTECT PROPERTY.  A person is justified in using deadly force against another to protect land or tangible, movable property: (Key Note: Make sure you know the definitions of land or tangible, movable property)
(1)  if he would be justified in using force against the other under Section 9.41; and
(2)  when and to the degree he reasonably believes the deadly force is immediately necessary:
(A)  to prevent the other's imminent commission of arson, burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, theft during the nighttime, or criminal mischief during the nighttime; or
(B)  to prevent the other who is fleeing immediately after committing burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, or theft during the nighttime from escaping with the property; and
(Key note: Make sure you know the definitions of each offense listed above in paragraphs A and B, along with the elements to the crime to each offense listed above)
(3)  he reasonably believes that:
(A)  the land or property cannot be protected or recovered by any other means; or (Key note: Remember, what is reasonably to you and I might be unreasonably to the Grand Jury or Jury. It also states “cannot be recovered by any other means”. With this being said, “who is to say that the police could not have caught the person and recovered the item or you could not have had it replaced by insurance.”)
(B)  the use of force other than deadly force to protect or recover the land or property would expose the actor or another to a substantial risk of death or serious bodily injury.

** End Question 2 **

Question 3:
What is the best source of communication for civilians to use when power to our homes has gone down for days, maybe weeks at a time?

Answer 3:
After experiencing the before and aftermath of hurricane IKE I can say that communication was a very big problem for everyone including the police.

A few ways to insure that you have at least some way of communication in the case of an emergency are as follows.

Cell phones for the most part will work at times. If not they come back very quick. Make sure you have a fully charged battery and means of keeping it charged. Make the investment and buy a generator and have plenty of gas on hand. If you do not have the means of keeping the cell phone charged then turn it off and only turn it on to use it during an emergency.

Also, I found “on star” to be very helpful during IKE. At one point all the cell towers on the Island went down and I was unable to dial out. FEMA came in and provide our “Brass” with cell phones that would work to insure that they would communicate with City,State and FEMA officials however the ground troops were stuck not being able to contact their family’s for a few days. I happened to go to my Tahoe one evening and remembered that I had “on star” which is also equipped with being able to operate as a phone. I pressed the button to talk to the operator and explained to her my situation. “On star” provided me with 30 free minutes and I was able to use the “on star” phone function to contact my parents. The signal is great and had great sound quality considering the situation.

If your vehicle has this function, remember that you have it or spend a few dollars to have it activated during hurricane season if your vehicle is equipped with “On star”.

Question 4:
Finally, what is the procedure by which civilians can volunteer to help organize a community for defense during these critical times?

Answer 4:
 I would contact your local police department with this question due to each department has different polices and community programs for civilians to volunteer there time during such critical incidents.


Tommy Maffei # 418
Galveston Police Department
Patrol Division/ SWAT

Monday, June 7, 2010

A Request for HELP!

To All my Friends and Trainees,
I have got two requests of you and please try to help out here.

FIRST REQUEST: is to ask again for questions I will submit to My friend Officer Tommy Maffei of Galveston P.D. SWAT Team. They can be of any variety about self or home defense and he'll be glad to answer them, and they will be posted on the website. I'd like to see some questions about Hurricane seasons and the "what can, should, shouldn't and who, where what if?......... during a hurricane. Ask him about defending your home and family during a hurricane/natural disaster. Ask him about sheltering in your home to keep the wolves at bay. Ask him ABOUT KEEPING THE WOLVES AT BAY. This guy is top notch and very intelligent and an instructor. As I said he and his guys are the tip of the spear in a hurricane and they don't run. He is goin a little batsh*t right now since he had an emergency appendectomy (he didn't call in sick when it first hit him, he rode his patrol shift then went to the hospital as I said these guys don't run) and will be off work/duty till the 15th. So he would love the questions. PLEASE ASK.



The Galveston P.D. SWAT team has to buy all of its own ammunition to train with. NONE IS SUPPLIED TO THEM!
They can and will be glad to accept donations of ammunition so please let's try this, and answer me ASAP on this. First don't send me money I don't want that at all. Go to Academy or Wal-Mart and pick up one or two boxes of either .40 S&W or .223 ammo. Blazer, Monarch,or Winchester "White" box these are the two most needed calibers.

If anyone would be interested in splitting a case of ammo in each caliber with me or ordering these guys a case of ammo let me know or go online to Midway USA or Graf Brothers or Cheaper Than Dirt or Sportsman's Guide, Cabela's etc. order the case and call or email me and I will make arrangements for you to meet up with Officer Maffei and deliver it to him and the SWAT team directly!  (I want him or officer Kevin Mach to get it so it doesn't get put in with the PD's ammo that does go to rookie cadets classes. They get ammo. as I said the SWAT Team HAS to provide their own training and ammunition so this is specifically for them) I'll make sure you get full recognition on the website so if you do this and deliver the ammo, take a camera so I can have a picture for the website. Also, we can all hook up and deliver any ammo to Tommy and get a group photo for recognition of the contribution you make. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze help with this every one or two boxes helps protect thousands of us every time we go to Galveston.

I don't ask for many things but these are two requests I would personally be indebted to you for helping with. Every bit helps.

Thank you all

Eddie Steeves  Your Instructor
PS: I will try to organize a benefit for the SWAT Team in the cooler weather of the Fall so keep an eye out. I will accept no payment for my services so please don't ask to send money or anything like that just attend the benefit when it happens and/or contribute some ammo.